ICBC claims are up 14 per cent this winter due to snow and ice in the south

ICBC claims are up 14 per cent this winter due to snow and ice in the south

ICBC aims to trim safe driver discounts

A second at-fault accident will cut your discount, even for long-term safe drivers, in policy to take effect next year

ICBC wants to tighten requirements for safe driver discounts, as it deals with sharply increasing accidents and payouts for repairs and injury claims.

The change would take effect in May 2018 if approved by the B.C. Utilities Commission. Calculation of at-fault accident claims begins immediately, to be applied on the new formula once it is approved.

The current system allows some drivers to collect the maximum safe-driver discount after causing two or even three crashes. The new system would cause any driver with more than one crash to pay more.

A driver with 20 years’ experience who has two at-fault crashes in a year would see the discount reduced from 43 per cent to 15.

“Drivers who make good driving decisions should pay less than drivers who cause multiple crashes,” said ICBC CEO Mark Blucher.

All drivers would continue to earn credit towards discounts for each crash-free year. They can still regain their discounts after three crash-free years following an at-fault claim.

ICBC’s dial-a-claim reports have jumped by 14 per cent this winter, as southern regions have dealt with multiple snow and ice storms. From December to February there were nearly 300,000 claim calls, with volume up 17 per cent in February compared to a year before.

The B.C. government’s latest budget projects an $833 million deficit, a sharp fall from the previous budget expectation of a $678 million surplus over three years.

The B.C. government has ordered ICBC to limit the next rate increase to 4.9 per cent.