Council Briefs: Sewer and water rates rise

An increase in water and sewer rates in Radium Hot Springs was deemed necessary by the village council

An increase in water and sewer rates in Radium Hot Springs was deemed necessary by the village council at its Aug. 12 regular meeting.

The Village of Radium Hot Springs passed Bylaw No. 413 to revise and impose new rates for the sewer regulation and user charges at the meeting.

The village also passed Bylaw No. 414  to impose user rates and charges for water services to reflect the rate changes tied to that of sewer costs.

“The sewer and water user fee rates have not been reviewed since at least 2005,” said Karen Sharp, chief financial officer at Village of Radium Hot Springs. “The reason for the current review is due to the fact that in the last couple of years, the sewer user fees collected were not covering the increased costs of providing the service and the water fees will be falling short for projects scheduled.”

She added that one of the water reservoirs is nearing its completed life cycle and needs replacing.

“The village has applied for federal funding. However, (we) must prepare for replacement regardless if funding is received (or not),” concluded Ms. Sharp. “Even with the increase, our sewer and water rates continue to be the second lowest in the region. These increases were reflected in the 2015-2019 Financial Plan Bylaw which was passed on April 22, 2015.”