Blazing a trail

Are you a backcountry user who’d like to give back to the local hiking community, and meet some potential hiking partners in the process?

Are you a backcountry user who’d like to give back to the local hiking community, and meet some potential hiking partners in the process? If so, come out for the annual general meeting of the Summit Trail Makers’ Society and see how you can not only help maintain trails, but rub shoulders with like-minded individuals willing to share their knowledge of the vast network of trails in the region.

The gathering will be held at the Lions Hall, Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 7. To top off the evening, photographer Pat Morrow will give a slide and video presentation based on local and international hiking destinations.

The Summit Trail Makers host around six work bees each year between June and October. Their rounds take them to McLean Lake, Lake of the Hanging Glacier, Welsh Lakes, Chalice Creek, Silver Basin, Farnham Creek (towards Commander Glacier), Tiger Pass, Earl Grey Pass, Bugaboo Pass, Black Diamond and Gibraltar Lookout. They have put up signs or helped design new trail routes to Assiniboine Lake, McLean Lake, Caribou Creek, Diana Lake and Chalice Creek.

They replace and dismantle the bridge over Hell Roaring Creek on Lake of the Hanging Glacier trail. It costs just $10 for a four-year membership. To find out more about the meeting and show, call John Ashby at 250-342-7121.

Summit Trail Makers’ Society
