Remember when? (July 13)

A Columbia Valley retrospective over the past 50 years...

July 15

July 15

50 years ago: The Windermere District unit of the Cancer Society reached a quota of $1,000 in a Conquer Cancer Campaign.

Total money subscribed from Brisco to Fairmont was $1,030. The Canal Flats unit was still collecting and counting.

45 years ago: Contestants prepared for the upcoming Invermere Mermaid contest. Joan Kingston, 15, Deborah “Debbie” Anderson, 16, and Deborah “Deb” Preece, 17, were three of the girls competing for the title.

40 years ago: The Lions Club park at the Crossroads was the site of the Wally Byam Caravan. Goods and refreshments were prepared by the Windermere Chamber of Commerce and other local volunteers at the park.

Another Wally Byam Caravan was set to hit Edgewater following the Lions Club Park appearance.

35 years ago: John Schwartz, a well-known local artist, donated one of his paintings to be raffled in support of the planned Senior Citizens Low-Cost Housing project.

Project Chairman Larry Root was on-hand to accept the beautiful painting on behalf of the Lake Windermere and District Lions Club, who were sponsoring the project.

31 years ago: The Columbia Valley welcomed the new Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Club.

The new club had taken a “skaters’ point of view” and believed that children of all ages and skill levels of skating would benefit from its program.

25 years ago: Athletes throughout the Columbia Valley put forth outstanding efforts at the B.C. Summer Games in Cranbrook.

In practically every competition, ranging from track and field to archery and equestrian events, local competitors were among the top medal winners.

20 years ago: Rising waters of Lake Windermere had caused problems for beachfront businesses at Athalmer. Where there would normally be a few feet of beach, water now rested.

15 years ago: Business owners on Athalmer landing complained to the Invermere council about perhaps beautifying the roadway strip leading into town.

After hearing complaints about the road, shoddy back streets, dust, lack of services and old, run-down buildings, council unanimously agreed that a beautification project was in order.

10 years ago: One of the largest forest fires since the 1993 Lake Enid blaze took place at White Swan Provincial Park.

The Invermere Forest District offices worked around the clock to co-ordinate helicopter flights, portable toilets, heavy equipment, electricians, fire crews, rations and communications as they battled the flames.

5 years ago: Valley resident Rheanna Morris was one of 30 Canadians selected to travel to Guyana to partake in Youth Challenge International.