School board chair steps down

Chairman Jim Jenkinson will not be seeking re-election

In fractioning together School District No. 6’s nine-person board, three school trustees will be elected in the valley next month, and the man currently holding the seat in Invermere – Jim Jenkinson – will not be seeking re-election.

“I have been very proud of my service over three terms (nine years) and would recommend trusteeship to anyone who has an interest in public education and especially student achievement,” Mr. Jenkinson said. “The experience has been personally very rewarding.”

As always, the election to decide the province’s school board trustees will be held on Saturday, November 15th, scheduled in tandem with the fall municipal elections. In keeping both elections synchronized, B.C. school board candidates will now commit to four year terms instead of three.

One trustee will be elected from Area F, one from Area G, and another from Invermere. Those three officials will join three others from the Kimberley district, as well as three trustees from Golden. The nine will combine to make decisions for School District No. 6.

As a former teacher, Mr. Jenkinson said that he originally became involved in the school board after jobs in the school system dried up due to declining enrollment.

“I still wanted to be involved in education but there were no jobs available here in the valley.”

With two children in public school while he was employed at Panorama Mountain Village, Mr. Jenkinson said that the board offered him an opportunity to continue his involvement in public education.

For the past two years, he served as the board’s chair.

As his youngest daughter readies to graduate high school, Mr. Jenkinson said that it’s time for new leadership.

“It’s not to say trustees need to have kids in school, but personally I felt that’s what made me relevant,” he said. “Many kidless trustees in the province do a great job.”

Mr. Jenkinson said that School District No. 6 is in great financial shape, and has achieved student standards at or above provincial standards – a record that was improved during his time as a trustee.

“I would welcome any calls from interested people who want to know more about the role of trustees,” he said.

Candidates have until Friday, October 10th at 4 p.m. to register as a candidate. Candidates do not have to live in the region they are running.

Those interested in running can learn more by contacting the regional chief electoral officer Kindry Luyendyk at 250-342-9281.


“As I say good-bye, I would also really like to thank the staff in our local school communities for the exceptional work that they do everyday to help our students succeed,” said Jenkinson.