Invermere's council candidates prepare for their first debate at David Thompson Secondary School Monday

Invermere's council candidates prepare for their first debate at David Thompson Secondary School Monday

Where they stand

Candidates weigh in on economic development, a new community centre and the things they would have done differently over the last term.

With 10 candidates for council and two for mayor, the first District of Invemere all candidates forum had plenty of ground to cover in its two and a half hour span.

If you weren’t part of the crowd that packed the David Thompson Secondary School auditorium — filling all the seats and spilling onto the floor and into the hallway — or if you want a refresher on what you heard, here’s a summary of what the council candidates are thinking in handy chart form. All points not in quotation marks have undergone light paraphrasing due to space restrictions.

For a larger, easier to read version of this chart, please click here.

Keep checking for more on how your mayoral candidates fared in Monday’s debate, and at the second all-valley forum this coming Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Lions Clubhouse.