Current DOI councillor not so keen on armchair advice

I didn't realize Rod Turnbull had moved to Invermere.

RE:  “Candidates get advice from armchair quarterback,” November 9

I didn’t realize Rod Turnbull had moved to Invermere. Mr. Turnbull operates a B & B a couple of blocks away from Windermere Beach and is the “Want to be Mayor of Windermere.” I am not aware that he has ever served on any local government in B.C. or his previous residence in Alberta. I have never seen him at a council meeting in the District of Invermere and I just wonder where he gets his incorrect information about the operations of the District of Invermere. Our district staff carry out the directions of council and not the reverse as Mr. Turnbull indicates. If the Rotary Club of Invermere, of which Mr. Turnbull is a past president, or any other organization wishes to meet council or any councillor I am sure the door is always open. Thanks Rod for playing the numbers game for coffee at the Bistro with your friends and buying coffee on such a regular basis. Looking forward to the next FREE coffee. Rod, please get your facts right and I am sorry the District of Invermere cannot solve your frustrations about water quality in Windermere or no landscaping around the renovated hydro substation at the Crossroads. Thanks to the Rotary for all your efforts to beautify the Crossroads intersection.

Ray Brydon

Councillor, District of Invermere