Letter to the Editor: Ladies bridge club wind-up

The brain-child of Barbara Kester, this club was formed in the fall of 1980 and has been going strong ever since.

Dear Editor:

The brain-child of Barbara Kester, this club was formed in the fall of 1980 and has been going strong ever since. As you can imagine, players have changed, some moved on, and sadly too many have passed away. However, it is of note that there are still seven of the 24 charter members playing: Barbara Kester, Joyce Millar, Avy Nicholson, Alice Pawlynshyn, Kelly Stuart-Hill and Mary Root.

Winning this year were Donna Tunnacliffe and Mary-Jean Anakin; second, Gerrianne Donahue and Louise Frame; a close third were Alice Pawlyshyn and Joyce Liebel; and honourable mention to the duo of Fran Jeffery and Martha Christie.

Our thanks to Gerrianne and Louise for arranging the wind-up and special thanks to all the staff at Strands for a truly scrumptious meal.

Kelly Stuart-Hill
