Letters: Time for a new Canadian leader

A country’s leader is one who inspires, who brings people together and who celebrates the diversity in a country like Canada.

Dear Editor:


A country’s leader is one who inspires, who brings people together and who celebrates the diversity in a country like Canada. In contrast, Canada’s current “leader” demonstrates none of these qualities.

Instead, he acts as a racist, particularly when dealing with Canadian Muslims.

His constant over-the-top rhetoric, which subtly equates “Muslim” with “jihadist,” is divisive and deeply disturbing. Notice that we do not hear of “multiculturalism” anymore under the Conservatives.

Harper is a fearmonger of the worst sort, again pitting one part of the Canadian population — usually Muslims — against the rest of us. In his view, Islamic jihadism is the most dangerous threat our society has ever faced.

While no one would disagree that ISIS is a barbaric, sick movement which should be countered, it is hardly on the same level as, for example, Hitler and the Nazis.

He also would have us live in fear of crime when the crime rate in Canada is at the lowest level since 1970. His actions are reminiscent of the MaCarthy era in the U.S. during the 1950s.

Harper seems to want to wallow in negativity and meanness. Basically, his view of Canadians is that if you don’t see the world as he does, you are either a terrorist or else someone with a valueless opinion.

I, for one, am not interested in a leader with this outlook.

It is long past time Harper was consigned to history’s dustbin before he wreaks any more havoc on our democracy. To paraphrase an old saying: we have nothing to fear but Stephen Harper himself.


Norm Funnell

Radium Hot Springs