The Rotary Report: Rotary gives a helping hand to those needing wheelchairs

Rotarians try to make our communities throughout the world a better place.

Together, with countless individuals and businesses both small and large, Rotarians try to make our communities throughout the world a better place.

On an individual basis and on a club basis, we join together with one purpose — that of providing a service to humanity.

Our largest endeavour has been to provide vaccines to help with the fight against polio. If any readers have friends or family who have gone through the terrible agony of polio, you know explicitly how devastating polio can be, not only for the person suffering from polio, but also the family and friends of those afflicted with this terrible disease.

Thankfully, there exists only a few cases in the world and the hundreds of millions of dollars spent to help eradicate polio has had an enormous effect in helping to rid the world of this disease.

Closer to home, Rotary, together with the Wheelchair Foundation of Canada, has targeted another cause that has a profound effect on people’s lives.

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were immobile? Unable to go to the bathroom without help. Unable to shop, visit friends, travel around town or even you own home without help.

Here in Invermere, we see wheelchairs at the hospital entrance. We see wheelchair access throughout town.  Those are there for a reason.  Mobility is a large part of how we conduct our lives. Try doing without that ability sometime. You may realize  just how important mobility has become in your life.

Not long ago, our Rotary Club and an individual member spearheaded a drive to provide wheelchairs to the disadvantaged.

What began with a few hundred wheelchairs purchased, ended up with a total number of wheelchairs in excess of 6,000. Those wheelchairs were sent to various parts of the world. Even today and closer to home, the need for wheelchairs continues.  Just in North America alone, there is a need for over 30,000 wheelchairs.

Do you know of someone in need of a wheelchair?  Contact the Rotary Club. We can help! Do you want to help?  Join the Rotary Club! Many feel-good moments can be yours too.

This week’s column was written by Rotary Club of Invermere member John  Tames. Learn more about the club by visiting