Volunteers of the Week: (l-r) Raegan Mallinson

Volunteers of the Week: (l-r) Raegan Mallinson

Lake Windermere Pulse Check #9 (August 29)

The Lake Windermere Ambassadors took the winner of the "Fish of Lake Windermere" trivia contest for an interpretive lake tour on August 21.

The Lake Windermere Ambassadors took the winner of the “Fish of Lake Windermere” trivia contest, Jim Jenkinson, along with his wife Nancy and daughter Jaime, for an interpretive lake tour on August 21. With what turned out to be a beautiful evening to accompany our scientific and social musings, the night was a success and one to remember. After learning lake trivia, Nancy commented: “I was surprised at how long it takes the water to travel through the lake and also at the depth of the lake. I had no idea.” Trivia master Jim commented that he was “surprised that in the 14 years we’ve been here there’s been so much development and so many more buoys around the lake.” Jim also commented “I’m grateful that you guys [Lake Windermere Ambassadors] are monitoring water quality because we will then learn the impact of the development.”

—Submitted by the Lake Windermere Ambassadors. To volunteer, call (250) 341-6898 or email info@lakeambassadors.ca.