Regional Rundown: Regional district continues to forge ahead

The first draft of the Toby Benches OCP is nearing completion.

There is a lot going on in the RDEK right now.

The first draft of the Toby Benches OCP is nearing completion. This planning document has been in the works for several months now. There have been several opportunities for public input from the community. The plan is a high-level policy document that will guide future land use in the area. Area G director Gerry Wilkie and I share this project as it covers both Area F and Area G. While not everyone will be happy with every word in the plan, the goal is to provide balanced guidance for future land use.

In Windermere, a water reservoir is being built. This project is budgeted at just over $2 million, with funding from grants and reserve funds. At present, the concrete floor is complete and the concrete walls are being poured. The reservoir will provide adequate water storage for fire flows for the community of Windermere. Regardless of which direction the community chooses to go to provide Interior Health-compliant drinking water, an additional reservoir is required.

Phase one of the Fairmont Creek Debris Flow Mitigation Project is now complete. The construction started in early March and was completed in early May. The goal of the project was to increase capacity of the Fairmont Creek channel to contain some debris flow material through Mountainside Golf Course between Marble Canyon and the pond on Hole 12. The budget for this project was $467, 330, which was funded from two-thirds Emergency Management BC, with the balance coming from Community Works Fund and local contributors. This project was a great example of the community coming together for the benefit of all. I would like to acknowledge the financial support from Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, Mountainside Villas, Fairmont Business Association, Fairmont Community Association and Fairmont & District Lions Club.  The local contributors’ commitment in this project was $29,000.

Wendy Booth is the Regional District of East Kootenay Director for Area F and the RDEK board’s vice chair. She can be reached at or 250-345-6155.