Still time to golf in Windermere Valley

Well, it’s the middle of September already. That can sometimes mean the end of many summer activities but that surely isn’t the case when it comes to golf at the Windermere Valley Golf Course.

Well, it’s the middle of September already.

That can sometimes mean the end of many summer activities but that surely isn’t the case when it comes to golf at the Windermere Valley Golf Course.

The fabulous weather we’ve experienced over the past several weeks is continuing and in staffer Neal’s words, “It’s still busy times at the Windermere Valley Golf Course!”

The course is traditionally the first one to open in the area in the spring and can also often be the last to close when fall rolls around.

The goal for closing is typically Halloween or the end of October. It’s impossible to plan a Halloween tournament, however, because they can never be certain that they’ll be open.

Perhaps one could create an impromptu one, something to think about.

One event that you can count on taking place though is the annual Link to Rink event co-hosted at the course and the Invermere Curling Centre.

Teams of four curl on Friday evening, October 14 and Saturday morning, October 15 before hitting the links on Saturday afternoon at Windermere Valley.

This is an event designed to wind down one sport’s season (golf) and wind up the other (curling).

I can speak from personal experience when I say there is a lot of fun to be had during the entire function.

The Men’s Club windup is fast approaching on September 24 and 25.

If you’re a member be sure to enter and take part in this season closing event.

The course is in great shape and private lessons are still available through the Academy if you’re interested in sharpening up your game.

It’s a good idea to get those tips well imprinted on your brain and body before you put away the clubs.

The beauty of playing at Windermere Valley is you have a choice of walking or riding.

The course is very walkable and provides a good bit of exercise for those that choose that option.

Add a few more swings than the pros tend to take and you’ve got yourself quite a workout.

Then when you drop into Kari’s Kitchen in the clubhouse you can enjoy a snack/meal/beverage with absolutely no guilt.

The food is excellent and plentiful. Be sure to take in the Sunday morning breakfast buffet before your round.

Give yourself some extra time to do some shopping too. The annual fall clearance sale is on now.

Tee times will become scarcer as the days shorten. They will also begin to start a little later in the day as the nights become colder and it takes a little longer for the dew to dry.

Have an extra cup of something hot, then enjoy the rest of the day on the course.